Pool Makeover: The Frugal Way

Summer is just waving around the corner. So is your pool ready for the season? When we say ready, it means is it externally prepped to match in with the shades, bikini bods, sunscreen and a lot of pool party? Well, it should, definitely. But you don’t have to spend a hefty amount just to make your backyard pool look classy. Your friendly swimming pool builders can do the works for you without the need of investing too much.

See, your pool is the extension of your home. It’s not only a place for swimming or skinny dipping, but it’s also where you and the rest of your household get to relax and spend some quality time together as a family. It is also where you take and welcome your guests for a tea or coffee while enjoying the outdoor façade.

Dive Into What Suits Your Budget

Practically speaking, pool remodeling nowadays is no longer that expensive. You just need to take time in scouting around town for under-budgeted materials and accessories or do a lot of crowdsourcing on the internet for you to be aware of what you will be expecting once all lights are a go for your pool makeover.

Prices vary depending on the style you wanted and materials to be used. But you should personally have an idea of the items that you need for your home swimming pool.

LED LIGHTING – Who wants a dark and scary looking pool? For sure even you won’t dive in. Aside from the practical fact that LEDs are the most cost-effective and energy-saving lighting fixture in the market today, adding it to your backyard pool will definitely bring life to it. You can even have the colors of the rainbow if you wanted to put on a pool show during a party. Being creative does not mean that it has to be expensive.

HANDRAILS – Drop those old metal rails you had on your pool for decades. You will never imagine how many hands got almost burnt on them during hot peak times. Probably yours too. Opt for a powder-coated themed handrail. They’re safer to use, especially by the older members of the family and children. Plus, they’re affordable too! Adding safety to your pool area will surely be a plus to your family and your guests.

WATERLINE TILE – Swimming pool designers nowadays install waterline tiles to swimming ponds that used to have a stone or pebble type surfaces. Compared to glass and other chic tiles, the ceramic tile is much more preferable. In terms of price and looks are concerned.

FIRE PIT – Let’s add some more heat to this sizzling weather. Having a fire pit installed by your outdoor pool will be immaculate. It’s about for your pool to make a statement.

DECK RESURFACING – Don’t take your poolside for granted. They’re the front act of your swimming pool area. Outdoor makeover experts suggest to replace any deck surfaces with an acrylic lace coating that is much safer to pool-goers for its slip-proof feature, it has a lot of shades to choose from and of course, it’s economical.

Swim to What You Really Need

OUTDOOR KITCHEN – It is not just the regular barbecue grill or an outdoor grill that you can surprise your visitors with but a kitchen by the pool area. Everybody will definitely be so stoked to see a kitchen in your backyard or patio. This means the whole gang can enjoy a gourmet dish even when you’re having a pool party under the sky.

POOL PLASTER SURFACING – Aside from being uncostly, the smooth pool surface is what homeowners choose if they wanted to upgrade their pool surfaces a bit. Others who have extra budget single out with stones, shells, pebbles or even glass beads.

SALT SYSTEM – If you wanted to make your swimming area germ free, go with the salt-water system than the usual chlorine tank. With your pool having salt-water whoever dives in will experience the gentleness of the water on their skin and hair compared to chlorine water. But if you decide to have the salt tank installed, regular maintenance check is required to make sure that the system is clear of dirt.

Let Your Outdoor Pool Shine Under the Sun

WATER FEATURES AND ACCESSORIES – Add a stylish touch to your outdoor swimming area by adding some water features. This includes pillars with rare rocks or stones, or metal dish or concrete bowls to form a poolside waterfall will make your home a talk of the town because of your swimming pool makeover.

Again, home remodeling at this generation is no longer as expensive as it used to back in the days. Talk to your pool design contractor Long Island for practical and affordable additions to your existing pool area. You are not after rebuilding it or totally starting from scratch, you just wanted to make it look more accommodating and warm to everyone. Being frugal is the new sexy.

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