HVAC Companies: Tips On How To Keep Your House Cooling Costs Low

House cooling can quickly spike your monthly bill if you aren’t keen on how you use the air conditioner. The cool thing is that there are a number of things you can do to keep the costs low. Here are some of these things as given by HVAC companies:

Team them up

You should team up the air conditioner and the ceiling fan for a house that cools fast. When you use both of the appliances at the same time, AC experts report that you are able to raise the temperature of the air conditioner by up to five degrees. As a consequence, you cool your house at a lower cost.

How you use the fan is of great importance. For ideal results, ensure that the fan is moving clockwise and pushing the cold air down. You also should ensure that the fan is of high quality and properly maintained.

Keep off hot appliances

Computers, televisions, and lamps produce heat that can make the air conditioner work harder than its meant to. The air conditioner also tends to run longer when exposed to these heat producing appliances.

How can you ensure that your unit is functioning properly and at low cost? keep these heat-producing appliances away from the thermostat.

Use a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat makes it easy for you to easily control it even when you aren’t at home. It allows you to set it at your desired temperature and it works on itself.

At night, you should set it a few degrees higher so that you can save some money. Air conditioning experts report that when you do this, you stand to save up to 10% of your cooling costs.

When you are aren’t at home, you should set the unit in such a way that you can control it and be able to increase and lower the temperature while you are at your place of work. Do you want to find a cool house when you are getting home? You can set the unit to start working a few minutes before you get home.

Of course, you can’t benefit from the thermostat when you go for a cheap, low-quality one. You need a high-quality piece that will not only properly cool the house, but also last for a long time.

Clear up the area

If you visit many homes, you will find the air conditioner surrounded by furniture and other obstructions. This shouldn’t be the case with yours. Remember that when there are obstructions on the air conditioner, the cool air isn’t properly distributed to all the areas of the house.

What is the consequence? You spend money on cooling and your house doesn’t get cool. For the unit to function optimally you should get rid of any obstructions on the way. You don’t want to pay to cool the couch; therefore, you should get it out of the way immediately.

When it comes to the outdoor unit, keep leaves and other debris out of the way. For you to ensure that there is no dirt on your unit, make a habit of cleaning it regularly. You can clean it by yourself or hire an expert to help you out.

Clean the air filter

Cleaning the outdoor unit isn’t enough—you also need to clean the air filter. This is the unit that determines the quality of air that gets in the air conditioner and house. Due to its location, the air filter tends to accumulate a lot of dirt which can make the unit work for a long time and harder.

You should clean the air filter at least once a month to get rid of any gunk that might have piled up in your unit. Just like when cleaning the outdoor unit, you don’t need to hire a professional to help you with the cleaning. You can do it by yourself. All you need to do is to pop the filter out and wipe it down with a washcloth.

It’s common to find the air filter too dirty or damaged. In such a case, AC repair company Huntington recommends that you replace the filters. You should buy pieces with a high rating that you are sure that they will not only give you a great service, but also last for a long time.

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