Choosing The Best Wedding Organizer

When preparing for a wedding there are so many things that you need to work on. The wedding party rentals are just part of it, but if you wanted to get all the help that you need – professionally, a wedding planner/organizer is what you need.

Now you don’t just pick someone who will take full charge of your wedding preparations, you have to choose the best who is well experienced and genuinely professional. Of course, it’s not just that, you have found someone that you can easily work with and can instantly understand your personal preferences and style.  However, being able to find that “someone” who fits all the things that were mentioned is like searching a needle in a haystack, but don’t be sad because here are some of the tips that you could use to find that dream wedding planner without stressing yourself too much.


  • Utilize Your Resources.

Whether you are crowdsourcing for a hair stylist or a spa salon, you will always opt for the personal references of the people within your network because you are at ease with their suggestions. It’s the same way with choosing a wedding organizer, you turn to your family and friends for their comments and suggestions and you will surely be surprised with the number of leads that they have collected up for you. Your social media connections can also play a big role in your decision making.

One good source also that you can consider is the online reviews from the previous clients of the wedding coordinator that you are checking out. Do not limit your search online as well as the wedding planner hashtags on Instagram.

  • Study How Visible They Are Online.

So you have spotted a prospective wedding planner, now it’s time to take the next step. This time, try to pretend to be a stalker by checking out their social media accounts, website, blog or portfolio. This is your chance to get a good grasp of their work and ideology, together with how efficient they are in communicating with clients. Look also into blogs or online magazines that may have included them in their stories. Eye on the “As Seen In” taglines, hashtags, or badges on their web page because that is also a great indication on how great they are in the doing their job.

Also, sleuthing through your planners’ social media account can also enable you to sneak into their live broadcasts or their Facebook and Instagram stories.

  • Personal Meet Up.

Although verbal and virtual communication is great for starters, you can also do well with email. But as a prerequisite in choosing the right wedding planner, you should – by all means – meet in person with your target coordinator before hiring them. Now, if you are impressed with the work based on what you’ve seen online, the next phase is a personal meet-up before pushing the booking. It’s like in a job interview, a personal meeting will answer all your doubts about the personality of a planner and if their team can really help you achieve your dream wedding.

  • Prepare Questions.

In your personal meeting, make sure that you have brought a list of questions that will address most of your concerns about the wedding prep proper. You see, interviewing a wedding organizer without preparing any questions will just leave you flushed and questioned, so pay attention to what’s running in your head and list them all down because remember this moment is all about you and your fiancé.

You can also ask the wedding planner for a list of their previous clients and their feedbacks. If the planner is really confident about their company/group, then the more they will be pleased to show you their past events, accomplishments, and clients.

  • Read And Understand The Contract.

Regardless of the situation or purpose, for as long as a contract is involved, always read the contract from every page and see to it that you fully understood every line. True enough that going through every page of paperwork can be a drag, but it is imperative that you are fully aware of what kind of services you are about to sign up for. This is to avoid any unexpected situations or scenarios that may arise in the actual event. The contract should contain the following details:

  • Pricing;
  • Any additional fees;
  • Set-up and tear down schedule;
  • Backup plans in case of bad weather.

At the end of the day, you would still vouch for a wedding planner that you find it fun to collaborate and work with. Sometimes if you have to follow your gut feeling because chances are your instincts are presenting you with accurate signs. The wedding tent rentals Rockland NY can also be your trusted vendor and together with a reliable wedding organizer, your wedding experience will just be as awesome as you wanted it to be.

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